Sunday, January 25, 2009

We're pointed!!!!

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This isn't the best quality video. If you're wondering why, well, I'll tell you. I was having to hide from Leo so he wouldn't see me. Leo is a major mama's boy, and whines and tries to get to me when someone else has him on lead. The only thing that was close enough to the ring to allow me to be as close to the ring as I was, was 6 American Cockers that were stacked in their crates on a dolly and a dinky column. I felt like I was some shady stalking paparazzi. Good thing other people have been in my boat and didn't call security on me, thinking I was going to steal a dog or something! This is video of Leo (being shown by Chelsea) winning his first ever points, and it was a 3 point major no less. He also won BOS today. I showed him yesterday, and he won RWD to a major. Not a bad weekend at all! Cosmo stayed with his Auntie Deb and Uncle Doug and their basset foster failure, Clifford. All three boys got along so well with each other. I think Cosmo enjoyed the mini vacation from his brother and the two leggers!I publically want to thank my friends Anita and Chelsea P, Lauren O, Deb C, and Roberta B. for supporting me and Leo this weekend. What a ride! Congrats to Anita P for her HUGE 3 wins on Saturday (Leo was reserve to her boy).


Sara said...


Kelly said...

Congratulations. I loved the video!!

Kelly said...

I just added a link to your blog from my own blog, Hope that is okay!!!

Elizabeth said...

I don't mind you linking to my blog. CUTE babies you have! The videos not that great, but he's my first show dog and I wanted video of at least one show!