Wednesday, December 26, 2007

We survived

Christmas 2007 with a puppy in the house! WOO-HOO!!! Leo didn't knock over the tree (chewed on the tree skirt a little), and didn't eat all of the kids new toys. Cosmo found in his stocking, a thick and chewy fleece tug that Santa must have gotten from Cosmo's Auntie Melissa. She makes them and the money goes to ACD rescue ( see the right side bar for the link). He and Leo were pretty cute playing with it. Santa also left them three oversized tennis balls and some chewies. Wasn't long after all the playing and chewing that they took a long winter's nap in the kids new bean bag chairs (maybe they thought those were THEIR new beds??).
Since it really and truly looks like Leo is going to be staying here with us, I decided it was time to sign him up for some handling classes. I'm sure he's going to like being thrown into school and being coaxed into standing still "and looking pretty". I figured since agility Tuesdays were out, might as well take the opportunity to enroll Leo so we can start his training. We're still working on Leo's registered name, but I did come up with something as an old episode of Star Trek was on the other morning. We'll just have to see if the AKC will let it slide through or not.

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