and Cosmo was AWESOME! I was so proud of my little man! It's been 3 l.o.n.g. months since we've had class, and he's not had any training in that time (bad mommy on my part). He hasn't forgotten anything, and I think was even better tonight than when we left off in Dec. He's sticking his contacts, he's working out and away from me (which is nice), and most importantly, he's having fun and not stressing like he did last year when we didn't quite get a run right. He would shut down (which was hard to see) even though I tried to "keep it light" and not make a big deal out of it. Tonight, instead of just going to the next obstacle, he would turn around and do the one he didn't get quite right (he got tangled up in the new chute fabric) without me asking him to and then would continue the sequence. He nailed the tire (have had issues there) and hit the mark on the table (which was the last obstacle in our first run) and didn't fly off the side. I AM SO PROUD OF COSMO !! It's looking like if I can get some weaves set up at my house and can really get those down, that I might get to show him at the end of the year. That will be the icing on my cake.
I also enjoyed seeing my fellow do-da'ers that we've not seen since the last session of classes. We also have a new lady to our group that has springers (can't recall their names, sorry). So, again we have Buttons the boxer, Gracie the golden, Jake the ACD, and the springers whos names I promise to learn eventually. It was extra special tonight because we had a reason to have a party (we can always come up with something to eat and drink to). We celebrated Cosmo's 2nd birthday, and three handlers birthdays. An excellent evening was had by all. It was nice and cool with a slight breeze. Not a hint of humidity or those buggy little mosquitos that eat us alive in the summer.
Cosmo is nice and tired, so hopefully he'll sleep through the night and stop pacing in the house (which has been waking me up) and asking to go out twice in the middle of the night, which in turn wakes Leo up, so I have to take them both out and in twice before it's really time to get up at 6:00 am, otherwise as dark-thirty to me.