Man on the run/Livin' fast, runnin' hard/Always under the gun/Yes I'm a man on the run./Travelin' a little light/I'm built for speed/Leavin' no traces/Of this mine fine lead/If you want to love me/You better not wait/Cause if you blink your eyes, girl/ It'll be too late.Chorus:Cause I'm a man/Man on the run/Livin' fast, runnin' hard/Always under the gun/Yes I'm a man, man on the run/Livin' fast, runnin' hard/Always under the gun/Cause I'm a man on the run./Chorus:Cause I'm a man/Man on the run/Livin' fast, runnin' hard/Always under the gun/I'm a man, man on the run/Livin' fast, runnin' hard/Always under the gun/Cause I'm a man on the run./Chorus:Man on the run/Livin' fast, runnin' hard/Always under the gun/Livin' fast, runnin' hard/Always under the gun/Yes I'm a man, man on the run. /Chorus:Yes I'm a man/Man on the run/I'm a man on the run/Yes I'm a man on the run/Yes I'm a man on the run//// Molly Hatchet
Ok, I can't get that dang song out of my head. Not only that, but I hear it in my head when Cosmo and I are running in class. How sad is that?? Cosmo is offiically doing the teeter now, without any padding under the end that drops. This was week 2 of that. I am SO proud of my boy. It's been a long two years of training (ok, so it doesn't really seem like it's been that long, but it really has) and it's finally all starting to come together. Now to just get him doing a full set of weaves, and we'll be set to go out and see what we can do someplace other than Ann's backyard.
Oh... and here's a kid funny. The princess has started asking how my day goes (I guess because I ask her that every day when I pick her up from preschool). So, I tell her. Then she asks (with her head propped up on her hand looking all cute) "how was 'gility?" "Did Cosmo kick butt tonight?" And when I answer, "yes", "he did kick butt tonight", she starts yelling his name with big "woo hoo's!". Guess I better start watching what I say around the princess. We found it hysterical, however, others may not. Oh well.. I took the camera with me in hopes of getting one of my friends to try to get a pic or some video, and I forgot to take it out of the bag. I was hoping to get a good picture for a Christmas card before it gets too dark out to get a good picture. It's so hard when they're blue roans.
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