Monday, September 28, 2009

Happy 2nd birthday, Leo!

I can't believe it's Leo's 2nd birthday already! Seems like just the other day I was bringing the 10 lb furball home. I'm thinking that's the last time I ever get a puppy, or anything else that has to be walked at all hours of the night in Dec. That was one cold Dec we had, and I was the only one taking him in and out. I thought we were going to freeze to death! But, we didn't. We survived that, and we survived Leo's little incident last week, that apparently happened more than a week ago. I started noticing he had some stinky smelling breath, and it wasn't from the salmon/rice food he eats. So, I clippered his face thinking maybe that was where it was coming from. Then, I decided I'd brush his teeth and scrap the tiny bit of gunk that was on his canines. He was such a good boy and didn't fuss at all. Then I noticed later that even when he was sitting at my feet, I could smell his breath. So, he jumped up in my lap and I was loving on him and noticed the smell was even coming from the air that was coming out of his nose when he was breathing. I told my hubby, that wasn't a good sign, and that I was taking him to the vet ASAP the next morning so we could figure out what was going on. I had half of the going to the vet part out of my mouth, when Leo leaned his head back to yawn, and I saw what was causing the stinky breath. The poor boy had a broken off stick partially embedded in the roof of his mouth! He never acted funny, was eating/drinking normally, chasing Cosmo and the kids around in the yard... you name it and he was still doing it. I felt so bad! Thankfully, the vet was able to remove it without using general anesthesia. She gave him a little shot to make him a little woozy and got it right out. Two days into the ten days of antibiotics and no more stinky breath. Since Friday, the area inside his mouth is pretty much all the way healed, minus a small spot that was the deepest. So, lesson learned. Must make checking the mouth for foreign obstacles a more regular thing. I was lucky in that he'd not done more damage to his mouth, and possibly lost teeth. Also, that he'd not swallowed it and caused major internal damage that could have resulted in death.

So, tomorrow we're celebrating Leo's 2nd birthday with some extra special goodies, and are looking forward to many many more birthdays to come!

Happy birthday also to Leo's brother, Scotch. Hoping he comes back to SC sometime soon so we can see him again!
PS The vet gave me the stick she removed from Leo's mouth. I still have it and am pondering if I should just pitch it (well, it did end up costing me $85, which was reasonable considering) or turning it into a Christmas ornament, the most expenisve by far, on my tree, and having it be the inside joke that only my family "gets"......

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Summertime + vacation time!

Leo says "let me out!"
Cosmo and Leo on vacation

The boys have had a long and slightly lazy summer. It was too hot for awhile to do agility. Leo was entered in a couple of shows over the summer and is now taking a break til January or there about. He needs to grow some more leg hair. Cosmo has had two iffy weeks in agility class. His nose hit the ground and I couldn't get it back up and his eyes on me. Thankfully, tonight he was back to "normal" and did a really good job. I was very proud of him tonight! I think it's because his gal pal, Jerri, was out on the field earlier today when I stopped by. Looking forward to these cooler "fallish" days and really hoping we get out and get to an agility trial sometime this upcoming year. Next week marks 3 yrs of classes/training and never having ventured out of the trainer's yard. My phobias definitely, and not Cosmo's!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Asheville shows in Fletcher this weekend

Leo getting ready for the show!

I got a call from Betty yesterday telling me that Leo had placed second in his class. I told her to bribe him with a new dog bed. She bribed him and fed him chicken nuggets yesterday. Today, Betty called to let me know that my orange boy won another 3 pt major (that makes three 3 pt majors now) and BOS! Way to go team Leo and Betty! I'm so proud of Leo! It's been a mighty quiet 4 days at the house without him, and we can't wait to get him back later this week. Although, it has been nice not having to be on a vigilant watch for things that he will chew up/try to eat. The kids and I will be picking him out a new bed when we pick him up. I hope he likes it!

Cosmo said he enjoyed the mini-vacation. He got to hang out with his new boxer buddy, Blaze while Leo was gone. If the beds are still on sale, he might be getting a new one too.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Mr Cool Cosmo

Poor Cosmo! I found these pics on the camera today. Apparently, one of my little ones got hold of the camera and a pair of sunglasses and accosted Cosmo. He's such a good boy, that he actually sat still for it! I find it hysterical that she came up with this all by herself, and am loving finding pictures on the camera that my kids have taken, and of course, not told me about. I'm glad they didn't try this with Leo. He would've surely eaten the brand new Spiderman sunglasses, and my son would've had a fit. Maybe Cosmo is gearing up for his agilty premiere (whenever the heck that's going to be??!!)

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Sunday, April 5, 2009


Leo gearing up for his evil eye look because he wants off the grooming table.
Well, we had a great time at the Piedmont club in Charlotte this weekend. We hung out with our friends and tried not to roast to death in the building (which was easier today than yesterday). Leo won the Open class yesterday and today. Both days he also won WD and BOS for one point each day. We're now up to 8 points. Not too shabby since he's only been out a handful of times. I showed him myself, so I was ecstatic that we won. Needless to say, he got a new toy from one of the vendors.
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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Leo's 2nd major in Hilton Head

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Here is his winning photo! Amazing how he turns it on and looks so serious when he's in the ring, compared to how goofy we all know him to truly be! Today we worked on some obedience in the backyard. Cosmo and I worked on some new weave pole stuff that we were introduced to in class the other week.

Monday, March 9, 2009

He did it again!!!!

Amawalk's Beam Me Up A Faerytail
My boy did it again! Leo caught a ride with Mindy to Hilton Head Isl on Friday night to meet up with Chelsea and Anita. Chelsea showed him for me this weekend, and although we won our class and nothing else on Saturday, she took him to a 3 pt major win and BOS on Sunday! I am so thrilled that we now have 6 points (both majors) behind us and 9 points left to go! I missed his silly little butt while he was gone, and he sure was happy to see us when he got back Sunday evening. I hope to enter him in at least 3 more shows between now and the summer, not including a possible trip to Nationals in Ohio this year.
THANKS Mindy, Chelsea, and Anita for all you did this past weekend!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Come out, come out, whatever you are!

I'm not moving til I find out what it is!

I know I hear something.. but what???
Ok, Cosmo for some reason has gotten obsessed with the air vent on the back porch. The same air vent that he's lounged on in the summer to cool off and in the winter to warm up for almost 3 years now. For the past week he's stayed glued to being near the vent. I don't know what's down there (other than lots of dust bunnies), but he's determined he's going to guard us from whatever lurks below.
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Sunday, January 25, 2009

We're pointed!!!!

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This isn't the best quality video. If you're wondering why, well, I'll tell you. I was having to hide from Leo so he wouldn't see me. Leo is a major mama's boy, and whines and tries to get to me when someone else has him on lead. The only thing that was close enough to the ring to allow me to be as close to the ring as I was, was 6 American Cockers that were stacked in their crates on a dolly and a dinky column. I felt like I was some shady stalking paparazzi. Good thing other people have been in my boat and didn't call security on me, thinking I was going to steal a dog or something! This is video of Leo (being shown by Chelsea) winning his first ever points, and it was a 3 point major no less. He also won BOS today. I showed him yesterday, and he won RWD to a major. Not a bad weekend at all! Cosmo stayed with his Auntie Deb and Uncle Doug and their basset foster failure, Clifford. All three boys got along so well with each other. I think Cosmo enjoyed the mini vacation from his brother and the two leggers!I publically want to thank my friends Anita and Chelsea P, Lauren O, Deb C, and Roberta B. for supporting me and Leo this weekend. What a ride! Congrats to Anita P for her HUGE 3 wins on Saturday (Leo was reserve to her boy).

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday!

Cosmo 12 wks old
Here's the birthday boy on his first official first day in our house, Easter 2006. I can't believe 3 yrs have already gone by! Birthday wishes have been sent from his dad, Cubby, and his brothers, Charlie and Quid. Cosmo celebrated the occasion with a specialty bone biscuit from 3 Dog Bakery that I picked up (along with one for Leo and some special doggie treats for his agility friends). Happy birthday buddy! We're wishing you MANY MANY HAPPY MORE!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It's snowing!

Leo in the dusting of snow
We actually had snow last year on 1/16, so I'm really surprised we woke up to snow this morning. Leo and Cosmo think it's pretty cool to run around snuffling in the snow and chasing after the snowflakes (that are REALLY coming down right now). I wish we'd get some real snow that the boys could run around and play in. But, then again, they'd get really wet and muddy and make a huge mess thawing out in the house. Oh well..... Leo has to get bathed again this week anyway as we're heading down to Ladson for the shows this weekend. There is a good turnout for ECS's-- there are 11 entered. I'm hoping Leo is able to strut his stuff, do his thing, and snag a few points. That would be a great way to start off the New Year!!!
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