Monday, May 26, 2008


Well, my "big sister" decided she was going to do something she called "looking at the stars" last night. So, I decided I would join in and lay on her pillow so no one would walk off with it, while my brother, Cosmo, layed curled up by her feet so they wouldn't be cold (or maybe it was to keep her still and to keep from getting up and making the motion sensor light go on/off). Either, way, it was pretty nice having "big sister and big brother" so low to the ground because it made it easier to check for hidden goodies in their hands or pockets. Unfortunately, neither Cosmo or I found any of their goodies, but we did get lots of lovin' so we can't complain. My mom kept snapping all these pictures of me, which was pretty doggone blinding if you ask me. I heard her tell dad that she needed a good picture of me because a lady needs a picture of me so she can add an orange roan to her cross stitch collection. She already has a blue roan (mom bought one because it looks a good deal like Cosmo) and asked the lady if she had any orange roan patterns. She said no, but if a picture of me was emailed to her, she would do one. That made my mom very happy. I'm hoping that they'll leave the demon aka red eyes out and let my pretty brown peepers show.
Cosmo is getting used to his nakey hair style. I think I'd like to have his hairdo because it's so hard to sit still to have it all combed out. I had to sit extra long tonight because we got to play in the kiddie pools today because it was so warm outside. I got pretty muddy, but it was lots of fun. I'm hoping that they pull out the pool again soon.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I'm in deep doggie doo now!

I braved it, and decided to go ahead and clip Cosmo down. This is the first time he's ever been clipped down all the way. Normally, he's in a modified show clip (ie hand stripped and not clipped except for on his face, throat, and ears). Let's just say that I think he looks cute (better in person, the picture doesn't do him justice at all). And he'll tell you that he totally hates it. He hid in my son's room as soon as he could get off the table and wouldn't come to me when I called him. He's not totally bald and in the "beagle clip". I didn't touch his ear hair (I draw the line at his ears) and I clipped him 3/8" all over so he's not skinned. Oh well... hopefully he'll forgive me sometime in the near future. He does kinda resemble his ACD friend Jake now =)

I have to brag

on my little blue boy. We had a semi-challenging agility class last night, and I was so proud of Cosmo, I wanted to burst. I have learned that Cosmo is going to be my jumpers course dog (my basset did not do well in jumpers, but kicked butt in standard where she earned her legs, although we never got a title before her untimely departure over the Rainbow Bridge). Cosmo is a speedy little guy and doesn't care to have to slow up. He really doesn't like how fast the teeter is dropping now that it is almost fully lowered. We're working on that. He did ok in our standard run last night (didn't want to "bottom" on the dog walk or A frame, although he did do a very nice and fast sit once that last foot came off). He also flew off the teeter 3/4 of the way to the other end because of how fast it goes down with him on it. We finally got him to stay on and enjoy the ride =) He just needs a little more practice. However, in the jumpers, I can't ask for anymore from him. He's willing to work out and away from me, didn't drop any bars, and forgave one minor handling mistake on my part. I think we're becoming much better "dance partners" than last year when I just couldn't let myself trust him. My basset, Dubber, and I had been "dance partners" for 5 yrs on the field, and we knew what each other was thinking, how to read each other, and I knew exactly what she was or wasn't going to do. What a liberating feeling it is to have this again! We're going to have to bribe a hubby to come out and video us again so we can have proof of our great accomplishments from the end of our training last year.
Today I'm debating whether I'm going to clip him down. He's so itchy and I can't keep up with the knots he creates. It would be easier to maintain if it were short, but I just love the roaning of these guys, and especially on Cosmo, his chest hair. I just can't imagine it not being there. Of course I know that it will grow back. As long as it doesn't make him any faster........

Monday, May 5, 2008

Who's there?

and whaddya want??? The boys say it's too hot outside and that they are glad the a/c guy was able to figure out what was wrong and fix it today. Now they want to know what you're going to give them to pass through the front door that they are guarding! I think a couple of biscuits and a belly rub would do it. Although, Leo has really taken to "digging to China" in my newly planted 20" pot! He might would let you in quicker if you brought him his own pot of dirt that he could dig in and not get in trouble for doing so. I'm amazed at how easily the dirt comes off of his coat, because he was gray up to his arm pits and had gray all over his face yesterday. 7 mos old, and still a knucklehead puppy =)