Monday, May 5, 2008

Who's there?

and whaddya want??? The boys say it's too hot outside and that they are glad the a/c guy was able to figure out what was wrong and fix it today. Now they want to know what you're going to give them to pass through the front door that they are guarding! I think a couple of biscuits and a belly rub would do it. Although, Leo has really taken to "digging to China" in my newly planted 20" pot! He might would let you in quicker if you brought him his own pot of dirt that he could dig in and not get in trouble for doing so. I'm amazed at how easily the dirt comes off of his coat, because he was gray up to his arm pits and had gray all over his face yesterday. 7 mos old, and still a knucklehead puppy =)


Sara said...

have you seen my mum's photos of the holes that Alice & Quid have made en route to china?

Elizabeth said...

Yes I have. I think our guys are trying to meet up in the middle and all go over together!