Monday, July 14, 2008

Cosmo has become a "man"

Yesterday I had the boys out to potty and I looked up to see Cosmo lifting his leg! He's always gone like a girl (which is TOTALLY fine with me), but nope, yesterday he made a tiny effort to lift his leg. I'm guessing seeing Jake lift his leg on occasion at class has put the idea in his little brain. So after all these years of having only one male dog (when I was a teenager) and the rest girls, it's odd to see somebody lifting their leg in the yard. I sure hope he doesn't get the urge to mark everything now when we go out. Also will be interesting to see how long it takes before Leo is lifting his leg as well. As long as they don't go on each other and start marking all over creation, we'll continue to live in harmony around here =)


mary o said...

Hey, Quid doesn't usually lift his leg but it did give me a thrill the first time I saw him do the manly lift! Amazing what makes our day in this ECS world.

Love, Mary

Sara said...

i remember mom calling me after quid lifted his leg for the first time!

did you hear how she's now got kumqwat living with her as well? i put a photo up today on my blog of the three of them :)