Sunday, September 7, 2008

Mom, I'm tired!

Last week after agility class, Cosmo fell into a slight coma. He was plum tuckered out! I was so proud of my little guy. It's been SOOOO hot and humid, that class has been cancelled for several weeks, we'll go a week, then it's cancelled again. So, the last time we went (I'm guessing it was about 3 wks ago???), Cosmo stuck all of his contacts on the A-frame, dog walk and teeter. This past week, he stuck them on the teeter (well, except for one go across the teeter when he thought a small brown leaf was a piece of goodie, and pretty much flung himself off to get to said yummy), but not the other two. BUT, he had the BEST distance work I've ever seen. The first obstacle was a jump that had a tunnel a good distance way (obstacle 2). I was able to send him over the jump and to the tunnel and not have to get really close to the tunnel so he wouldn't pop back out to see where I was. I was able to get to jump 3 without having to run to the end of the tunnel to get his attention and then off to 3. I was such a happy person! He's also getting better at sit/staying at the start and not turning into a crouching BC who'll crouch a few teeny tiny steps, then take off before I'm ready for him to take off. I can feel that we're getting closer going to a trial. He's getting more trustworthy and he's really doing well and shocking me with what he is offering me in class. I can only hope that he's that good out in public!
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Sara said...

you should have someone film this & put it up on youtube so we can all see it :)

Elizabeth said...

Would you believe that my husband, who is in the audio/video field has NEVER bought us a video camera. I was hoping when we had our first baby 6 yrs ago he would. Nope. Not yet at least....