Sunday, February 17, 2008

And the verdict is.............

Leo is an official family member! I am SO happy and relieved! His bite looks to have corrected itself (and I hope it stays corrected!) and overall he looks nice. Betty gave him a nice mini groom so he looks like an official representative of his breed and not a mini-alpaca! I got to see his litter sister, Kit, again and WOW do they share a strong resemblence! It was hard to tell them apart at a distance unless you looked really really hard. His niece with no name yet, was mighty cute and spunky. The three of them had a good time playing together in the x-pen and in the hotel room. In this picture, Leo is the one standing on the left.

And this picture is of Leo standing nicely (thanks Betty for stacking him) and with his nice new hair-do! This was Leo's first experience at a show site, and he did fairly well. I had to cover the back side of the crate with my jacket to block him seeing me and the other visual stuff that was overwhelming to him so he'd stop howling. I found a nice show lead for him and can't wait to use it this week in class. I did remember to bring home some new chewies/goodies for Cosmo so he wouldn't be too bent out of shape. I think he enjoyed the break and was really happy to see us when we got back home.
This is sleeping Leo. He got tired of the primping. He laid down and took a quick c@t nap!

1 comment:

Sara said...

yeah, welcome to the fam Leo