Saturday, February 9, 2008

Still waiting

Leo's appointment was moved up to this past Tuesday because, he was throwing up massive amounts of baby wipes! Apparently my two leggers took some outside and the rest I don't know how he found to injest them. Soooo.... my friend at the vet's office said, let's move him up a day and make sure that there is not a blockage. Thankfully, there was not. I'm so glad that they didn't go through his entire digestive track (unlike Cosmo who had them go all the way through). So, I dropped Leo off and got a call about 2 hrs later. They did an xray to confirm that the teeth he was to get pulled were baby teeth, and it turns out they were not. He's got something called a Gemini tooth (it's a tooth that forms a seam down the middle to look like two teeth instead of one). It's not a genetic issue, just an odd thing that happens, although not too common. So, I'm taking his xrays with us to Greenville next weekend when we go to the specialty show for someone who is more experienced than I in doggie orthodontics to take a peek in his mouth and tell us what he thinks. On a more positive note, handling class on Thursday night went really well. The both of us have gaiting and the front feet placement down pat, but we're still working on the rear feet placement and how to stay still on the table and focus. He can't help it, he's only 18 wks old and still a baby. But, there has been much improvement since we first started. I'll make him stay awake for Westminster this coming Monday and Tuesday night =)

Cosmo is not very happy with me right now. He gets so po'd at me when I take Leo to class and leave him home. Then it takes what seems like days for him to get over it. When I come home he'll sniff me and smell all the other dogs that I've been around (mainly obnoxious pugs and silky terrors--YUCK!). Then he turns around, walks off, and ignores me. He's even stopped sleeping in our room, and prefers to go get in bed with one of the kids. Last night he and Leo were playing with a tug and Cosmo went over the top and out of the blue let go of the tug and jumped poor Leo, who had no idea what the heck was going on. I stopped Cosmo and crated both of them separately for some time out. When I let them out after a cooling off period, Cosmo jumped up on the sofa, balled up, and turned his back to me. Oh well... maybe I can woo him back from the dark side with some cupid treats.

Today, they're outside sunning together on the deck and playing with each other like "brothers" do. When it warms up a little more for me, I'm going to go out there and wear them both out until they're so tired they can't stand it anymore. Tired cockers are happy cockers!

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