Sunday, December 7, 2008

2008 DoDa Agility party

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Last years party was pretty miserable. We had great food and friends at last years party, but it POURED and the small pop up tent we were under kept dumping down our backs. We're true dog people though--- we all stayed out there for 3 hrs! This year it was chilly but NO rain! Since I've been going to these parties the longest (I'm one of the original DoDa'ers) Mary decided to do some snooker because I've never done that. We did pretty well at it. Getting to a couple of the obstacles was a challenge. I asked Roberta if she'd try to get some pics of Cosmo, and he was moving so doggone fast, he's blurry in them (which is ok, because I at least now have proof that we're doing agility together!). I wish I'd given the camera to Roberta with the digital camera with the video option rolling on it. Cosmo did the weaves straight up and only missed one. I was so excited! I've got to work with him on my right side though, because he couldn't do it on that side because he was too busy looking up at me to see what I was doing. Oh well... progress is progress.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Ho Ho Time

Leo and Cosmo sitting pretty and being good boys....

and then Leo sneaking a smooch from a not so thrilled about it Cosmo. Oh well... it only took me a total of four pictures to get two that turned out pretty well. I was surprised. I've had a harder time getting a picture of just one of them! Both boys are hoping that Sandy Paws brings them a nice treat. I keep reminding them that they still have 20 days to be good or else the Fat Man is going to bypass our house.
Leo has gotten used to the tree now-- at least he's not staring at it from across the room like he did the first night. Last year it was in a different spot which was more protected from the dogs, cat, and kids. So far, so good. No one has knocked it over or taken an ornament. I did finally wrap some presents to stick under it to keep them from going under it (ie using it as a short cut) and from getting under there and rolling around on the tree skirt (like, why can't they just do that anywhere else BUT there??)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lil' bit of puppy love goin on

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Cosmo was in hog heaven this past weekend. The love of his life, Jerri, was back for a mini-staycation at our house. It's so funny watching him with her. She's so much taller than he is, and he looks like such a peanut right next to her. They are so sweet together. He's just thrilled when he sees her popping through the door, and is so sad when she goes back to her house (which, by the way, is the same house where we go for agility lessons once a week). She's coming back for a visit over Thanksgiving. Last year, when she came to visit at Thanksgiving, I'd gotten my tree up early. I don't know what got into the two of them (this was pre-Leo coming home to live with us), but they started running through the house after each other like the devil himself was chasing them. Somehow, Jerri over shot her jump to the sofa and landed in the tree. How it didn't fall over-- I don't know. That ended that episode.
On another note... Cosmo really stunk this week in class. I hated telling my daughter that he didn't kick butt this week, but I did. His nose was CONSTANTLY on the ground. In fact, he knocked a couple of bars because he ran towards them with his head down, and didn't look up in time. I did get some really good distance from his entrance into a tunnel that snaked under the A-frame and he had to hop out and go up the frame. He didn't come towards me and I didn't have to step in really close to get him where he needed to be. So, that's my one highlight of agility on Tues. I'm hoping he'll get back in gear next week so I don't have to diappoint my daughter again. =)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

"Man on the run"

Cosmo last year hanging out with the great pumpkins.

Man on the run/Livin' fast, runnin' hard/Always under the gun/Yes I'm a man on the run./Travelin' a little light/I'm built for speed/Leavin' no traces/Of this mine fine lead/If you want to love me/You better not wait/Cause if you blink your eyes, girl/ It'll be too late.Chorus:Cause I'm a man/Man on the run/Livin' fast, runnin' hard/Always under the gun/Yes I'm a man, man on the run/Livin' fast, runnin' hard/Always under the gun/Cause I'm a man on the run./Chorus:Cause I'm a man/Man on the run/Livin' fast, runnin' hard/Always under the gun/I'm a man, man on the run/Livin' fast, runnin' hard/Always under the gun/Cause I'm a man on the run./Chorus:Man on the run/Livin' fast, runnin' hard/Always under the gun/Livin' fast, runnin' hard/Always under the gun/Yes I'm a man, man on the run. /Chorus:Yes I'm a man/Man on the run/I'm a man on the run/Yes I'm a man on the run/Yes I'm a man on the run//// Molly Hatchet

Ok, I can't get that dang song out of my head. Not only that, but I hear it in my head when Cosmo and I are running in class. How sad is that?? Cosmo is offiically doing the teeter now, without any padding under the end that drops. This was week 2 of that. I am SO proud of my boy. It's been a long two years of training (ok, so it doesn't really seem like it's been that long, but it really has) and it's finally all starting to come together. Now to just get him doing a full set of weaves, and we'll be set to go out and see what we can do someplace other than Ann's backyard.

Oh... and here's a kid funny. The princess has started asking how my day goes (I guess because I ask her that every day when I pick her up from preschool). So, I tell her. Then she asks (with her head propped up on her hand looking all cute) "how was 'gility?" "Did Cosmo kick butt tonight?" And when I answer, "yes", "he did kick butt tonight", she starts yelling his name with big "woo hoo's!". Guess I better start watching what I say around the princess. We found it hysterical, however, others may not. Oh well.. I took the camera with me in hopes of getting one of my friends to try to get a pic or some video, and I forgot to take it out of the bag. I was hoping to get a good picture for a Christmas card before it gets too dark out to get a good picture. It's so hard when they're blue roans.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Happy Birthday, Leo!

Leo as a 6 wk old baby, three weeks before he came home with me.
Leo now, almost all grown up.

WOW!!! I can't believe that my orange baby boy will be a year old tomorrow!!! He was born the night before the Columbia KC show last year. Mindy was talking to Betty on the phone about Gina's puppies being born, and they asked me what color I wanted. Little did I know, I'd actually be bringing home this little boy. I WAS planning on entering him in the Columbia KC show this weekend, but the Clydesdale look just isn't working for us. Maybe next year. I did stop by Three Dog Bakery and got both boys birthday bones so they wouldn't have to share(they even put their names on them), and I bought some Ruffles bon bons from Three Dog Bakery that I took and shared with our agility friends (the four leggers of course =)
Leo and I want to wish his litter mates a very happy 1st birthday and many many many more!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Leo, the ugly duckling

My mom says this is all that she's going to let show of me for a long time! I'm definitely an ugly duckling at the moment. My puppy hair is coming out like you wouldn't believe, and if I'm not brushed daily, it mats like crazy and drives her bonkers trying to get the mats out and not hurt me at the same time. My birthday is in 22 days, and I hope she has a pupcake for me like she did for Cosmo for his birthday in January. Those were YUMMY! I got really good news last weekend, that my brother, Scotch, got his 1st 3 point major (giving him his first 3 points)! I know his mommy must be really proud of him--- I am! I can't wait til I get to go back out in public--- I like strutting my stuff around the ring!

Mom, I'm tired!

Last week after agility class, Cosmo fell into a slight coma. He was plum tuckered out! I was so proud of my little guy. It's been SOOOO hot and humid, that class has been cancelled for several weeks, we'll go a week, then it's cancelled again. So, the last time we went (I'm guessing it was about 3 wks ago???), Cosmo stuck all of his contacts on the A-frame, dog walk and teeter. This past week, he stuck them on the teeter (well, except for one go across the teeter when he thought a small brown leaf was a piece of goodie, and pretty much flung himself off to get to said yummy), but not the other two. BUT, he had the BEST distance work I've ever seen. The first obstacle was a jump that had a tunnel a good distance way (obstacle 2). I was able to send him over the jump and to the tunnel and not have to get really close to the tunnel so he wouldn't pop back out to see where I was. I was able to get to jump 3 without having to run to the end of the tunnel to get his attention and then off to 3. I was such a happy person! He's also getting better at sit/staying at the start and not turning into a crouching BC who'll crouch a few teeny tiny steps, then take off before I'm ready for him to take off. I can feel that we're getting closer going to a trial. He's getting more trustworthy and he's really doing well and shocking me with what he is offering me in class. I can only hope that he's that good out in public!
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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Pretty puppies

This picture was taken in Greenville of Leo (in the center) with his sister, Kit, on the left, and his BRaT brother, Scotch, on the left. I can't even begin to tell you what it took and what we the people went through to get ONE.GOOD.PICTURE. of the three of them. All I can say, is that even though it wasn't yet noon---- I was ready for a drink! Amazingly, they all look like angels in the picture and you would think it didn't take over an hour to get one good one.
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Monday, August 18, 2008

Guess what, Cosmo!!!!

I have a huge bald-ish spot on my show side on my back leg where I've somehow chewed off a good bit of fringe AND mom doesn't know it yet!! Wonder what she'll say????? Well, she found it while brushing him out last night and is still in utter disbelief! Of course, I emailed Betty to tell her what happened and she said most likely it was helped by the fact he should be loosing his puppy coat and that's one of the first places it "goes". His sister Kit is sporting nakey flanks as well. I still shake my head in disbelief. Oh well... I was looking forward to the Cola show next month and to Greenville in Feb. Guess we'll be staying home and growing up and growing hair at the same time. SIGH..............
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Sunday, July 27, 2008

We're back from Greenville

We went up to the Greenville shows this past weekend, and saw one of Leo's brothers, Scotch, (blue roan and tan) whom we've not seen since he was a baby. He's grown into an impressive little man. We also saw Leo's sister, Kit, who is also an orange roan like Leo, and two of his younger cousins. With MUCH grooming help from Mindy, Leo quickly became presentable to the judge. Leo took 1st place in both of his puppy classes this weekend. Although we were awarded no points (they're seeming elusive like Q'ing in agility), I was very happy with how he held it all together and just did his thing. They handed out coupons for the Purina table if you won your class, so I picked out a bag of Carver's treats. I brought them home with me, so Cosmo would get some too. Leo did get a new chew toy for the ride back home. So far, it's been a hit. So, I guess that was the last show for us, until the Columbia show in September. Maybe I'll figure out how to take off hair, but not too much hair between now and then! A friend took some pictures of me and Leo, and if they turned out, I'll post them.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Cosmo has become a "man"

Yesterday I had the boys out to potty and I looked up to see Cosmo lifting his leg! He's always gone like a girl (which is TOTALLY fine with me), but nope, yesterday he made a tiny effort to lift his leg. I'm guessing seeing Jake lift his leg on occasion at class has put the idea in his little brain. So after all these years of having only one male dog (when I was a teenager) and the rest girls, it's odd to see somebody lifting their leg in the yard. I sure hope he doesn't get the urge to mark everything now when we go out. Also will be interesting to see how long it takes before Leo is lifting his leg as well. As long as they don't go on each other and start marking all over creation, we'll continue to live in harmony around here =)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

One of these dogs is different from the others....

These guys reminded me of the old Sesame Street song that helped teach you to notice the difference between objects. Can we guess which doggie is different from the others? Today is Jerri's last day here at Casa de la Chaos, so I thought I should get a picture of them all sitting nicely together. It's amazing what they'll do for a "cookie". All of them had a nice and quiet 4th of July. They all managed to stay dry during all of the severe storms we've had the past several days. We're in the middle (I think) of the 10 days of storms that are forecasted. I know we need the rain, so I'm not complaining. It just makes life a little more interesting trying to get everyone pottied, fed, and pottied again before it starts up. I'm a chicken when it comes to lightning striking outside. I'm not willing to take the chance that I'm going to be a lightning rod. That's when I start silently praying that they don't have to go or can hold out until there is a break in the storm.
Oh well.... Jerri has survived another 5 week "staycation" with us, and this was her first year here with Leo. We'll see you again in November, Jerri!
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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hey, where's my limelight???

Cosmo said he's noticed lots of posts about his brother Leo, and not so many lately of him. So, here's kudos to Cosmo for a good job in his agility class, despite the heat, humidity, and mosquitoes! The boy LOVES agility! We're still tweaking a couple of things, but overall his doing really really well. I need to stop hovering and getting so close to him at the bottom of contact obstacles. He did stick his contacts last night, and I was very happy with that. He's not stressing out when we take a wrong course, and for that, I'm extremely happy! He and a few of his doggie friends last night enjoyed taking a dip in the doggie pool. They all found it nice and refreshing. Especially after getting caught up in the mysterious circle in the middle of the jumpers course. I don't know what was dropped in that one circle, but it must have been a mighty fine smelling something. Not one of those four leggers could resist the urge to stop and have a sniff.
Cosmo is also happy that his hair is starting to get a little longer, but is not so happy about the bath he will be getting shortly!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Leo's weekend adventures

My little man is back home again. Betty enjoyed having him at her house for a few days, and I think Leo enjoyed all the extra dogs to play with. He sure has mellowed out since he's been on "vacation" Leo took Reserve both days in Asheville, with Betty showing him. I owe her and Mindy much kudos for getting him all groomed up and for showing him for me. I'm hoping to get him back out and in the ring in July at the Greenville/Spartanburg shows, as long as gas doesn't actually hit $5/gal-- and I wouldn't be surprised if it was that much by the end of July. I actually saw it for $3.95/gal for regular on my ride back home. I found some "cheap" gas for $3.91/gal until I could hit the state line and scored some for $3.76 gal. I never thought I would think that was cheap gas. Man, where are the days when I only had to pay 89 cents/gal to fill up! Must be an 80's flashback....

Thursday, June 5, 2008

And he's off!

We headed to Charlotte yesterday to meet up with Betty so she could take him back with her to work some magic. Underneath all that hair, there is a nice looking ECS waiting to be discovered! Up for that challenge is Mindy, Leo's co-breeder! I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping he behaves up on the grooming table and isn't a complete knucklehead! As you can see, Leo got his beauty sleep in the car on the ride up. Thank heavens for AC! Man, it was H.O.T. outside yesterday!
Leo was excited to see Betty. He was trying to jump up on her (which is a no-no) and I don't think he could have cared less that he was leaving us behind. Ella, on the other hand, wanted to make perfectly sure that we were getting Leo back, and that he was not going to stay for good. After much assurance, Leo and Betty hit the road. I'm sure Leo is enjoying his vacation. He'll be spending time with his parents, sister, uncle, and a couple of cousins. We, on the other hand, have our summer doggie here for the next several weeks. Jerri is an older Aussie and a complete sweetheart. Cosmo was so happy to see her again, and Leo was like "woo hoo!!! a new friend to play with"! Jerri likes to stick with me like Leo does, so it's kinda like having him here-- but in a MUCH bigger package!
I'm hoping that Leo "does his thing" this weekend in Asheville at the shows. I'll be sure to post a pic of him in his proper hairdo. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he and Si will have an awesome weekend (and maybe snag a point or two-- which would be his first, as this is only his second time out in the ring).
So, from all of us here waiting patiently "GO LEO GO!!"

Monday, May 26, 2008


Well, my "big sister" decided she was going to do something she called "looking at the stars" last night. So, I decided I would join in and lay on her pillow so no one would walk off with it, while my brother, Cosmo, layed curled up by her feet so they wouldn't be cold (or maybe it was to keep her still and to keep from getting up and making the motion sensor light go on/off). Either, way, it was pretty nice having "big sister and big brother" so low to the ground because it made it easier to check for hidden goodies in their hands or pockets. Unfortunately, neither Cosmo or I found any of their goodies, but we did get lots of lovin' so we can't complain. My mom kept snapping all these pictures of me, which was pretty doggone blinding if you ask me. I heard her tell dad that she needed a good picture of me because a lady needs a picture of me so she can add an orange roan to her cross stitch collection. She already has a blue roan (mom bought one because it looks a good deal like Cosmo) and asked the lady if she had any orange roan patterns. She said no, but if a picture of me was emailed to her, she would do one. That made my mom very happy. I'm hoping that they'll leave the demon aka red eyes out and let my pretty brown peepers show.
Cosmo is getting used to his nakey hair style. I think I'd like to have his hairdo because it's so hard to sit still to have it all combed out. I had to sit extra long tonight because we got to play in the kiddie pools today because it was so warm outside. I got pretty muddy, but it was lots of fun. I'm hoping that they pull out the pool again soon.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I'm in deep doggie doo now!

I braved it, and decided to go ahead and clip Cosmo down. This is the first time he's ever been clipped down all the way. Normally, he's in a modified show clip (ie hand stripped and not clipped except for on his face, throat, and ears). Let's just say that I think he looks cute (better in person, the picture doesn't do him justice at all). And he'll tell you that he totally hates it. He hid in my son's room as soon as he could get off the table and wouldn't come to me when I called him. He's not totally bald and in the "beagle clip". I didn't touch his ear hair (I draw the line at his ears) and I clipped him 3/8" all over so he's not skinned. Oh well... hopefully he'll forgive me sometime in the near future. He does kinda resemble his ACD friend Jake now =)

I have to brag

on my little blue boy. We had a semi-challenging agility class last night, and I was so proud of Cosmo, I wanted to burst. I have learned that Cosmo is going to be my jumpers course dog (my basset did not do well in jumpers, but kicked butt in standard where she earned her legs, although we never got a title before her untimely departure over the Rainbow Bridge). Cosmo is a speedy little guy and doesn't care to have to slow up. He really doesn't like how fast the teeter is dropping now that it is almost fully lowered. We're working on that. He did ok in our standard run last night (didn't want to "bottom" on the dog walk or A frame, although he did do a very nice and fast sit once that last foot came off). He also flew off the teeter 3/4 of the way to the other end because of how fast it goes down with him on it. We finally got him to stay on and enjoy the ride =) He just needs a little more practice. However, in the jumpers, I can't ask for anymore from him. He's willing to work out and away from me, didn't drop any bars, and forgave one minor handling mistake on my part. I think we're becoming much better "dance partners" than last year when I just couldn't let myself trust him. My basset, Dubber, and I had been "dance partners" for 5 yrs on the field, and we knew what each other was thinking, how to read each other, and I knew exactly what she was or wasn't going to do. What a liberating feeling it is to have this again! We're going to have to bribe a hubby to come out and video us again so we can have proof of our great accomplishments from the end of our training last year.
Today I'm debating whether I'm going to clip him down. He's so itchy and I can't keep up with the knots he creates. It would be easier to maintain if it were short, but I just love the roaning of these guys, and especially on Cosmo, his chest hair. I just can't imagine it not being there. Of course I know that it will grow back. As long as it doesn't make him any faster........

Monday, May 5, 2008

Who's there?

and whaddya want??? The boys say it's too hot outside and that they are glad the a/c guy was able to figure out what was wrong and fix it today. Now they want to know what you're going to give them to pass through the front door that they are guarding! I think a couple of biscuits and a belly rub would do it. Although, Leo has really taken to "digging to China" in my newly planted 20" pot! He might would let you in quicker if you brought him his own pot of dirt that he could dig in and not get in trouble for doing so. I'm amazed at how easily the dirt comes off of his coat, because he was gray up to his arm pits and had gray all over his face yesterday. 7 mos old, and still a knucklehead puppy =)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Doing what we do best

Today had to be a highlight of the week for the boys. I was in the kitchen getting the chili ready for the hotdogs we were having for lunch, and as I was putting it in a bowl to nuke it, it dropped out of my hand. Chili went everywhere and I burst out laughing. My daughter (3) didn't think it was so funny, as chili hit her in her mid-section and she had the "sharks" circling her, deciding who should attempt to lick it off of her first. My husband, looked at me like I was completely nuts, because he didn't realize I'd dropped the bowl, but then saw chili splattered on our daughter, the bottom cabinets by the stove, across the kitchen on the wall, on the countertops/upper and bottom cabinets, and on the undercabinet lighting. Hey, I did manage to grab the bowl before the "sharks" were able to dive in and eat it all. So, the "sharks" helped me clean up chili off the floor and the cabinet doors they could reach. I told my husband, "see, this is why we have dogs"! After I got all of that cleaned up and the boys ushered outside, we went out and ate on the deck. Some chips were dropped by our daughter and smashed on the deck. Leo hopped up there and gobbled them up before Cosmo had a chance. As I was walking towards the door to go inside with dishes, Leo ran in front of me, then, as if he'd stepped on that proverbial banana peel, did this weird back flip and landed upside down BECAUSE he'd almost missed those smashed chips and did a really sudden about turn to gobble them up. Of course, I didn't have the camera with me to catch that. It was hysterical. My boy is going to need a doggie chiropractor if he keeps his stunts up.
To round off their day of feasting on stuff they normally don't get, they got scrubbed clean and Cosmo got a hair cut. Leo was next, but the battery died on my clipper and because I need new batteries, it takes too long for me to want to wait for it to recharge. At least they're both smelling really nice.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Our very first AKC show

The weather could not have been much worse today than it was. It was horrible. "Froggy" as my son calls it, gray, and that yucky rain. Not the hard downpour or the gentle rains you don't mind listening to. The yucky middle ground rain that is just miserable. There is red clay underneath the grass, and because of the amount of rain that we've received since yesterday added to the numerous cars, motor homes and RV's that were driving around the show site, it was all churned up and just a big mud pit mess. Thankfully, I was able to keep Leo out of the mud. My car was not so lucky however. Oh well....
Our day went pretty good. The judging was running late, which was not helping my nerves or the feeling of doom that I had in the pit of my stomach. We were the first ones in to start the judging of the ECS's, so there was some pressure there (at least it felt like it to me). Leo did really well in the ring, and I didn't trip, fall, or stumble, so I think I did pretty well too =) Leo held his stack on both the table and the matting. He only slightly moved his head a little during the exam, but wasn't obnoxious about it. For that, I was most thankful. Leo took 1st place in his class. I guess I should mention that we were the only ones in his class. I look at it like this. At least we weren't excused from the ring! That's where our journey ended for today. We did not place after that. Cosmo's breeder (Mindy) was handling in the 12-18 mos class and she took RWD. WTG Mindy! I do owe Mindy a huge thanks for cleaning up Leo for me where I'd left on too much hair. I was afraid of taking off too much and ending up with a naked dog we couldn't salvage. Leo's breeder, Betty, was there and it was nice getting to see her, and Leo's litter sister, Kit again. They are leaving for the National soon. Wish I was going, but will have to wait til it's closer again for me to be able to go.
Cosmo stayed home and was pampered by the kids. He had a nice hambone to keep him occupied til I got back with Leo. Poor Cosmo kept going around the house looking for him while I was gone, and it was obvious that Leo missed him as well.
Hopefully, it will dry out a little tomorrow so they can run and play outside. Cosmo has had one bath, and Leo's had two this week, and I'm done with bathing them again for awhile (I hope!)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Lazy days of spring

Man, nothing like having a 79 degree Spring day and getting to lounge on the deck and watch the world go by! And that is exactly what these two knuckle heads did today. Maybe they were recouperating from the shock of unexpected baths, and for Leo the beginnings of his show groom for his first official show debute this Saturday in Charlotte. Or maybe it was because they not only missed their ACD buddy, Jake, but were recouperating from all the running around and playing they did in a three day span. Whatever the cause, we all know that a tired ECS is a happy ECS!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

We're on the lookout

for a wild and crazy ACD named Jake who is coming over to play with us today! Cosmo says he's really fast. I say, we'll see about that. I can be pretty fast myself. I'm sure we would have caught that Easter Bunny fellow they were talking about this weekend, if only we had seen him dropping off those baskets. Can you believe he FORGOT to put something in there for us? The nerve of that Easter Bunny. We'll get him next year!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

WOO HOO!!! Agility started back tonight

and Cosmo was AWESOME! I was so proud of my little man! It's been 3 l.o.n.g. months since we've had class, and he's not had any training in that time (bad mommy on my part). He hasn't forgotten anything, and I think was even better tonight than when we left off in Dec. He's sticking his contacts, he's working out and away from me (which is nice), and most importantly, he's having fun and not stressing like he did last year when we didn't quite get a run right. He would shut down (which was hard to see) even though I tried to "keep it light" and not make a big deal out of it. Tonight, instead of just going to the next obstacle, he would turn around and do the one he didn't get quite right (he got tangled up in the new chute fabric) without me asking him to and then would continue the sequence. He nailed the tire (have had issues there) and hit the mark on the table (which was the last obstacle in our first run) and didn't fly off the side. I AM SO PROUD OF COSMO !! It's looking like if I can get some weaves set up at my house and can really get those down, that I might get to show him at the end of the year. That will be the icing on my cake.
I also enjoyed seeing my fellow do-da'ers that we've not seen since the last session of classes. We also have a new lady to our group that has springers (can't recall their names, sorry). So, again we have Buttons the boxer, Gracie the golden, Jake the ACD, and the springers whos names I promise to learn eventually. It was extra special tonight because we had a reason to have a party (we can always come up with something to eat and drink to). We celebrated Cosmo's 2nd birthday, and three handlers birthdays. An excellent evening was had by all. It was nice and cool with a slight breeze. Not a hint of humidity or those buggy little mosquitos that eat us alive in the summer.
Cosmo is nice and tired, so hopefully he'll sleep through the night and stop pacing in the house (which has been waking me up) and asking to go out twice in the middle of the night, which in turn wakes Leo up, so I have to take them both out and in twice before it's really time to get up at 6:00 am, otherwise as dark-thirty to me.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

And Best in Puppy Match, round 2

wasn't us, but we had a blast anyway. Today was a LONG day! Leo was a little boingy to start with, but settled down quickly. In the first sporting puppy match, he took 2nd. The judge said she liked him better than the choc lab puppy that she put up, but that the lab puppy was more polished because it had more experience than Leo. The the second sporting puppy match he took first (I didn't tell him that it was because he was the only puppy in the group). He won a new squeaky saxophone toy for placing first. He did really well today, considering the fact that it was outside and WINDY (we were under tornado warnings) and it started raining. Inside was on slippery floors and was loud (concrete block building) and on a wooden table that dipped in the middle because they had loaded the ring table up into the truck already. I was so proud of him. I stacked him, and he stayed. They examined him, and he stayed put. He gaited like a charm. It was nice to have him outside in the grass so he could get used to that. All in all, he took it in stride (and took a great big nap in between it all). So, the total today was 6 ribbons ( three first prizes, one second prize, and two best of breeds) and a new squeaky toy. Not too shabby for our first outing if you ask me. AND I didn't get nervous and feel like I was going to be needing to make a run for the nearest set of shrubs and be sick.

Now to just get him to act better on the grooming table at home when I'm grooming him. He didn't look his absolute best today (grooming-wise), but he got practice on being on the grooming table outside with all that was going on around him, with me brushing him out.

Whew! Now to just hang tight til the PKC show Apr 5!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Ay Carumba!

Tomorrow is our first ever puppy match! I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I'm thankful that we've at least had some classes to know what to expect. I'd be even more thankful if we were still having classes and it hadn't been a couple of weeks since the last class. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I don't make a complete fool out of myself. That and that Leo behaves himself. I've got to get him cleaned up and groomed tonight so he doesn't look like he just came out of the backyard =) Keep your fingers crossed that the rain holds off since this is an outside thing. The upside, is that there is a chance for us to win $50 if we win our match, and that's kind of exciting to think about.
We also got our confirmation today for the first show that he'll be entered in (the Piedmont KC in Charlotte NC) on Apr 5th. So, I'm hoping to learn a good deal tomorrow and that it will be a very positive experience! Cosmo and I are ready to dust off our running shoes next week when agility starts back up FINALLY! We've not had lessons since the week of Christmas and now the training grounds are back in order from the swimming pool being put in, and the new fence around said pool has been installed. WOO HOO! Now, if the mid 70's degree weather will just stick around for awhile (minus the skeeters and humidity that we all know is looming around the corner!)

Friday, February 29, 2008

We have an official name for Leo

Ok, so it's exciting to me that I didn't have to come up with another cool name (ok, so I think it's cool and you might not-- that's ok with me).
Leo's official name is Amawalk's Beam Me Up A Faerytail. If you're scratching your head on that one, let me help you out a little. Leo has two kennel names because his mother has two co-owners. Amawalk's and Faerytails are both kennel names. Leo's dad's name is Scotty. If you've ever watched the old Star Trek with William Shatner you know where this is going. If not, here you go. There is a famous line from that show and it's "Beam me up, Scotty". Since his dad's name is Scotty and I was looking for something "Scott-ish", I figured you couldn't get a better tribute to a really cool dad (granted, mom is way cool too-- but I had to have this name). I'm hoping to enter Leo in his first puppy match in 2 weeks and then in his first show in April.
If you've been wondering what's been going on with Cosmo, I can tell you that a picture is a thousand words and how I wish my batteries weren't dead. Both boys are out on the deck enjoying the almost 70 degree weather we're enjoying today. Mind you, they are totally minding their own business and not bothering anyone. I'm in the kitchen and I hear Cosmo make "the noise". I look out the window and there must be 50 robins taunting both him and Leo on the other side of the deck. I'm sure he was thinking "if only I could suck it in a teeny bit more and squeeze through the railings...." Oh well... another day. We're set to start back to agility classes in about 2 1/2 wks. And that is something to really look forward to!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

And the verdict is.............

Leo is an official family member! I am SO happy and relieved! His bite looks to have corrected itself (and I hope it stays corrected!) and overall he looks nice. Betty gave him a nice mini groom so he looks like an official representative of his breed and not a mini-alpaca! I got to see his litter sister, Kit, again and WOW do they share a strong resemblence! It was hard to tell them apart at a distance unless you looked really really hard. His niece with no name yet, was mighty cute and spunky. The three of them had a good time playing together in the x-pen and in the hotel room. In this picture, Leo is the one standing on the left.

And this picture is of Leo standing nicely (thanks Betty for stacking him) and with his nice new hair-do! This was Leo's first experience at a show site, and he did fairly well. I had to cover the back side of the crate with my jacket to block him seeing me and the other visual stuff that was overwhelming to him so he'd stop howling. I found a nice show lead for him and can't wait to use it this week in class. I did remember to bring home some new chewies/goodies for Cosmo so he wouldn't be too bent out of shape. I think he enjoyed the break and was really happy to see us when we got back home.
This is sleeping Leo. He got tired of the primping. He laid down and took a quick c@t nap!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Still waiting

Leo's appointment was moved up to this past Tuesday because, he was throwing up massive amounts of baby wipes! Apparently my two leggers took some outside and the rest I don't know how he found to injest them. Soooo.... my friend at the vet's office said, let's move him up a day and make sure that there is not a blockage. Thankfully, there was not. I'm so glad that they didn't go through his entire digestive track (unlike Cosmo who had them go all the way through). So, I dropped Leo off and got a call about 2 hrs later. They did an xray to confirm that the teeth he was to get pulled were baby teeth, and it turns out they were not. He's got something called a Gemini tooth (it's a tooth that forms a seam down the middle to look like two teeth instead of one). It's not a genetic issue, just an odd thing that happens, although not too common. So, I'm taking his xrays with us to Greenville next weekend when we go to the specialty show for someone who is more experienced than I in doggie orthodontics to take a peek in his mouth and tell us what he thinks. On a more positive note, handling class on Thursday night went really well. The both of us have gaiting and the front feet placement down pat, but we're still working on the rear feet placement and how to stay still on the table and focus. He can't help it, he's only 18 wks old and still a baby. But, there has been much improvement since we first started. I'll make him stay awake for Westminster this coming Monday and Tuesday night =)

Cosmo is not very happy with me right now. He gets so po'd at me when I take Leo to class and leave him home. Then it takes what seems like days for him to get over it. When I come home he'll sniff me and smell all the other dogs that I've been around (mainly obnoxious pugs and silky terrors--YUCK!). Then he turns around, walks off, and ignores me. He's even stopped sleeping in our room, and prefers to go get in bed with one of the kids. Last night he and Leo were playing with a tug and Cosmo went over the top and out of the blue let go of the tug and jumped poor Leo, who had no idea what the heck was going on. I stopped Cosmo and crated both of them separately for some time out. When I let them out after a cooling off period, Cosmo jumped up on the sofa, balled up, and turned his back to me. Oh well... maybe I can woo him back from the dark side with some cupid treats.

Today, they're outside sunning together on the deck and playing with each other like "brothers" do. When it warms up a little more for me, I'm going to go out there and wear them both out until they're so tired they can't stand it anymore. Tired cockers are happy cockers!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Goin' to the river...

We decided to take the family out to the river walk this morning because it was absolutely gorgeous today. Perfect weather for going out for a stroll. It's the first time Leo has been on a leash for actual walking, other than in the practice ring. He did pretty good for his first time out at 4 mos old. Cosmo on the other hand.... is a handful. He does much better in his new harness by Premiere that stops the pulling. However, he can make you wish you had ear plugs when he sees all of that H2O! The daddy and the kids went out on some of the big rocks, and Cosmo couldn't get to them. Good grief! He was shaking he wanted to go out there so badly. Didn't help that a couple of birds flew by. I took him and Leo out a little ways on the rocks, and Cosmo jumped in. I said the weather was gorgeous, and it was, but the water was c.o.l.d. Leo must have thought he was nuts, because he stuck got his feet wet and came right back out and stood on the rocks just staring at Cosmo. Both boys were nice and tired for the ride back home.
I did discover today that it appears that Cosmo ate a Ziploc baggie-- where is that yikes smilie face when you need it??? I'm guessing it was him because I fed the boys before we left this morning and put them out to do their business before we headed out. I found the Ziploc'd poop and while on the trail, Cosmo had to go and it wasn't pretty at all. He's acting normal, eating normal and all that, so I'm just keeping an eye on him to make sure nothing more is going to come of this.
I did talk to some fellow breeders/judges/handlers at my handling class on Thurs night and they all unanimously agreed that those dreaded retained baby teeth need to come out. So, Leo has an appointment for Wednesday morning to have them removed. I'll be glad when it's done and over and he's back home. He's so little to be undergoing general anesthesia and I'm going to worry about him nonstop til I can pick him up. I've worked in a vet's office in my previous life before college, marriage, and kids so I know he's in good hands and that I shouldn't worry, but I still do.
Off to watch the Eukanuba show with a huge bag of popcorn, my boys, and my two favorite little people in the world.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

A little more suspense

Today was T.H.E. day. The day I've been looking forward to, and dreading at the same time. Leo's breeder was going to meet me to go over him and decide his fate. Well, fate can be a funny thing sometimes. Leo is looking good in all of those aspects that are important to conformation showing... but his teeth remind me of the Donkey in Shrek (sorry Leo... sorry Betty)! He's got an odd combo of baby and adult teeth, so we're still playing the wait and see game. I sighed with relief, because I'm really not wanting to face the reality of him going to another home if he doesn't turn out to be show quality (which is the reason I got him in the first place). Now that the shoe is on the other foot and the grass doesn't look as green, I find myself thinking "what the heck is wrong with just keeping him as a pet and loving the little furball like mad??" I also think, "how the heck do people do this as a hobby?" "Do they really want me out there prancing around with a dog on a teeny tiny little show lead?" I'm starting to get sweaty just thinking about going out there and make a fool out of myself! I guess like showing in agility trials, the feeling that you're going to throw up at any given moment passes, and you just find yourself out there doing your thing and enjoying yourself and your dog.
I also did Leo's first real grooming other than a bath, blow dry, and brush out. Let's just say he was less than impressed or thrilled. All the while, Cosmo is longing and inching closer and closer with eyes that are saying "hurry up mama, it's my turn already!" I've been spoiled by Cosmo. He's the only fella I've ever seen who is addicted to being groomed. Pull out a brush, comb, set of clippers or the table and you're done for. He's practically hoisting himself up there so he can be first in line. Maybe Leo will learn from Cosmo that it's cool to be groomed and to look nice and pretty, uh.. manly.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Happy Birthday 'Mo!

Happy 2nd Birthday to my silly boy! I can't believe Cosmo turned two yesterday. Where has the time gone?? My son and I stopped at the new Three Dog Bakery that is just down the road yesterday, to pick up some pupcakes for Cosmo and Leo. My husband and daughter made yummy blueberry muffins for the rest of us. We also came home with some Beagle Bagles and peanut butter training treats. My kids sang Happy Birthday to Cosmo, while my husband was holding the camera and was video recording it. I will say that even though he thinks we're nutty, he did manage not to laugh out loud at us. I wasn't going to be the ones to tell the kids they couldn't celebrate his birthday. Cosmo and Leo thought all of it was just wonderful. When agility class starts back up (hopefully in a month), he'll get to celebrate with his doggie friends then.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Important update-- we had SNOW in SC!

It happened. It really, really happened. It snowed! I even woke the kids up so they could play in it because it's such a rarity in SC! The two silly boys LOVED it and didn't want to come back inside. Cosmo was starting to get little snowball attachments in his ears. He could stop snuffling along in it. Too bad the camera was slow or I would've gotten a really good picture of him looking straight up at it while it was falling-- pure amazement on his face! Leo thought it was pretty interesting, as it made him slip and slide as he tried to run across the deck. I was so glad that they didn't run and slide and drop off over the steps going down. Maybe one day we'll get more than a sprinkling. I'd be more than willing to clean up the muddy mess in my house just to be able to see my two silly boys and my silly kiddos playing in a ton of snow together.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


It's nice to have, and a bonus to have really good friends. Cosmo and Leo have become really good buddies-- albeit there has been a little rivalry going on. Cosmo has let the green-eyed monster get hold of him. He loves Leo, but has become somewhat jealous of him at times. Maybe he thinks Leo is stealing his thunder? Maybe he thinks Leo is going to eat all of his birthday cake??? I'm sure we'll get it worked out, and I'll be glad when we do. They are so sweet playing with each other, especially when they are rolling around on the floor sounding like little Chewbacca's.

Leo went in for his Rabies shot this afternoon. Poor Cosmo was looking so dejected when he was being crated and Leo was getting put on a leash. When we got back home, my son walked Leo around the back and into the backyard, while my daughter and I went in to let Cosmo out. He didn't even greet us. He was looking mighty miffed to be honest. Then he didn't see his little buddy, and I think panic mode set in. Not sure if it was a "woo-hoo he's gone" or "oh-no! where's my buddy??!!!" Obviously now, it was the latter as both of them are outside playing on the deck before the cold, icy rain starts in. Secretly, I'm hoping for a miracle. I'm hoping that it snows a ton so the kids and I can stay home, drink hot chocolate, and play in mounds of snow in the yard. My son has seen a little snow in his short 5 yrs, my 3 yr old has not. Neither of the four legged boys has either.
Cosmo's birthday is next Monday, the 21st. We're secretly planning his birthday pawty. We now have a Three Dog Bakery in town, so we're going to pile in the car and go pick the boys up some pupcakes. We did it last year, and my kids thought it was the greatest thing-- and I have pictures to prove it. I can't believe my little man is turning two. It sure doesn't seem like he's been part of our family for that long. Like they say, time flies when you're having fun!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Handling Classes

I can't complain a bit about handling classes last night. It was fairly relaxed (even though I only knew 3 people there and they were the ones in charge!) Leo always struts his "stuff" and last night was no exception. He was the youngest one there (next youngest was a H.U.G.E. four months old Bull Mastiff puppy who was not thrilled to be there), and did a really good job of letting us go over him, stack, him, and look at his bite. We had three times in the ring up on the table, and walking around the ring like a judge would ask us to do. In those three times, we had two different "judges", male and female, which I thought was pretty clever to be able to do so the dogs could get used to both sexes poking and prodding on them. Poor Leo was pooped by the end of it all (2 hrs total with one 10 minute break). It started off with him falling asleep, balled up on my foot. I woke him up, and he took two steps towards me, then plopped down again. This time it was on his side, and he was determined it was for good. No amount of talking, and slightly tugging on the leash was going to wake him from his nap. So, I picked him up and he was still sleeping with his head in one hand, while the rest of him was draped in my other hand. Still talking to him (while there were some light hearted snickers in the background), I placed him on the table. In mid motion of being placed on the table, one eye rolled half way open and as I went to set him down, he promptly rolled onto his side. The snickering got louder and I told him that albeit cute, I didn't think it was going to earn him any extra points in the ring. Huge sigh from the little guy, and up he got to be gone over again. Pranced around and out the ring, and out to the car for a super power nap on the ride home.

The instructors there really liked how he looked and how he moved, so I'm really hopeful that he gets to stay at our house. I'm really thinking it will be hard to let him go back and into another home. Fingers are still crossed and silent prayers are still being said, for another 21 days and counting.
And last but definitely not least, poor Cosmo saw me get out the slip lead and the bag that I normally take his agility stuff to class in, and thought that we were going to have some fun together. He was so excited, jumping up and down, then sitting patiently by the door. I felt so bad for him. I told my husband to get one of his special hambones and give it to him in hopes that he would forgive me for leaving him home and taking Leo out with his agility bag. Cosmo wouldn't touch the bone that he would normally chew on til there was nothing left but a few little crumbs. Note to self: be a good doggie mom and get a different bag for handling class so I don't confuse Cosmo.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy 2008!

So, I'm back with Cosmo and Leo's resolutions. Cosmo's resolution is to kick butt in agility this year, and maybe even enter a trial by the end of the year (ok, so early next year would be ok too). The teeter is almost lowered the entire way and we've had no set backs there, however the weaves are another beast to tame! I'm going to have to persuade his Auntie Mary to come over while lessons are on hiatus and help me set up some channel weaves so we can practice at home. He has done so well the past year with training, and I want so badly to be able to take him out to trials and run him with our friends. Maybe we all have that as the same resolution?
Leo's resolutions are a little longer. He's resolving to become housebroken (hey, he's making it through the night in his crate and staying dry-- that's a step!), to stop chewing on stuff that is off limits, staying out of the trash can in the kitchen (our mantra with our kids is that "we do NOT eat out of the trash can-- sorry, inside joke there), to learn some basic obedience manners, and to not flunk out of handling classes that start this week so that if he is truly mine and I get to keep him, then we can start conformation showing as soon as he turns six months old.
Other than that, we're resolving to all get along this year.
Happy 2008!